Kombucha or known by mushroom tea becomes popular in health beverage recently in US. Actually, its fermented tea has been popular for its health benefits for centuries. It is believed that kombucha can improve the digestive system, prevent the cancer, improve the detoxification and liver function, and others. In this chance, this article wants to give the explanation about health benefit of kombucha.
What is actually kombucha?
Before knowing the health benefit of kombuhca, it needs to know what kombuhca is for the first. Though some call that kombuhca is mushroom tea, in fact it is not made out of mushroom. It is made by the bacteria and yeast growing on the beverage that looks like mushroom. the ingredients to make kombucha are bacteria and yeast that are added to sugar and green or black tea. Last, the yeast and bacteria will be fermented.
For the taste of kombucha, it is rather strange--earthy, slightly effervescence, tart, and smell like vinegar. In order to make the serving tea more pleasant, it is added with juice. Due to it is fermented beverage, kombucha has high acid and may contain vinegar, vitamin B, sugar, antioxidants, and natural alcohol. When it is serve in 16 ounce bottle, it approximately contain for 60 calories. You can purchase the kombucha in form of kombuhca mother starter or sample kombuhca starter.
The health benefit of kombutcha is based on both personal review and animal studies. Until now, there are still not available about the clinical trials or scientific researches that show the claim of kombuthca effect for health. However, it does not mean that kombutcha is non-sense in improving the health. Here we have enlisted some benefits of the kombutcha.
Boosting immunity
Kombutcha tea contain high prebiotic that can contain the good bacteria in which these can improve the digestion and immunity. To get the probiotic maximally, it is better not to purchase kombutcha in pasteurized otherwise it is contaminated. Drink the kombutcha tea in the morning regularly.
The second health benefit of kombucha is its capability to detox the toxin in the body. It can counteract the liver cell. The high antioxidant sourced from the tea can be beneficial in preventing the liver disease. Somewhat, kombutcha has oxidative that can protect the liver cells.
Cancer prevention
Kombucha is so beneficial in order to prevent the cancer or even to recover the cancer disease. Kombucha contains the glucaric acid that can reduce the cancer risk in human. Perhaps, it is because of the antioxidant found in kombucha. In addition, President Reagen also states that drinking kombucha can help in battling the cancer on stomach.
Joint care
Kombucha provides glucosamine that can increase production of synovial hyaluronic. It means that other health benefit of kombucha is to help in preventing, healing, and repairing the joint damage. It can support for the production of collagen to reduce the wrinkles of the skin of the entire body. It is better to consume kombucha tea after having the accident that may cause the joint problems.
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Thanks for reading Knowing the Health benefit of kombucha