Pistachio is a kind of nuts native from Asia especially Iraq and Iran. However, now it can be cultivated in Australia, US, China, Turkey, and other countries. It is a member of anacardaceae family. To harvest the pistachio can be done in all the year because it is not seasonal nut. However, it can produce the first crop to harvest after 10 to 12 years. There are so many health benefits of pistachios including for health digestive system, preventing diabetes, and other diseases.
Nutrition contents of pistachios
Pistachios serve as source of nutrition needed by our body. In comparison with other nuts like pecans, macadamias, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashew, and almond, pistachios contain higher protein but lower lover calorie. It is also a source of mono-saturated fatty acids including antioxidant and oleic acid that can fight the bad cholesterol. It means it can promote the good cholesterol in body.
Some minerals are also found in pistachios like iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper, and selenium. Moreover, the sodium in this nut is zero that is good for them who have hypertension. In addition, other nutrients contained in pistachios are carbohydrate, vitamin b6, vitamin, A, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin C, panthetonic acid, folate, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
what are Health benefits of pistachios?
After knowing the nutrition value of pistachios, it can add the understanding about health benefits of pistachios their selves. Let notice the following explanations.
Heart health
One of the health benefits of pistachios is able to keep the heart healthy. It is because pistachios are friendly nuts to heart where they promote the good cholesterol. It means by consuming pistachios, the level of bad calories will be decreased. Then, the saturated fatty acid, antioxidants, and phytosterol are good in maintaining the health of heart.
Weight loss
Pistachios are good to consume for them who are in diet program. With lower calorie, low fat, and higher protein, these nuts are so ideal as the daily meal. It is no wonder if pistachios are so popular as weight managements.
healthy skin
Pistachios come as the provider of rich vitamins, minerals, antioxidant, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These properties are good in order to get the healthy skin. The antioxidant, according to Chen CYO and Blumberg JB, Tuff University, Boston, help in fighting the aging. in other words, pistachios can moisturize and nutritious the skin besides other organ.
Energy booster
Other health benefit of pistachios is that pistachios can boost the energy. It is because pistachios contain rich of fiber, protein, carbohydrate, and other nutritious contents. These contents can ease the digestive system and boost the energy.
Pregnant planning
Pistachios contain the vitamin E and folate that are good for preparing the good nutrition for fetus. Therefore, one of health benefits of pistachios is that it can help in giving the needed nutrition when the mother has pregnant. As a kind of nuts, pistachios are also good for increasing the brain function of the fetus. Perhaps, the children will be smart because they get the proper nutrition during they are still in womb.
Thanks for reading The nutrition values and Health benefit of pistachios