What is actually a raw honey? Raw honey is a real honey from the original source. Why is it said to be original and raw? Because after being harvested from the honeycomb which is directly packed and marketed.
Because it is still original, raw honey is rich in phytonutrients as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory to maintain healthy body. For example, treat sore throat and digestive problems caused by bacteria. This is also caused by the ability of raw honey to kill unwanted bacteria and fungi. These are some of raw honey health benefits
Good Antioxidant
Raw honey contains antioxidant called phenolic compounds. These compounds can be beneficial for cardiovascular health. Polyphenols of honey can prevent heart disease. Antioxidants also protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals that effected to the body. Free radicals can trigger the aging process and increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
As Antibacterial and Antifungal
Another raw honey health benefit is to kill unwanted bacteria and fungi. In addition, raw honey also contains hydrogen peroxide and antiseptic. The effectiveness of honey as antibacterial and antifungal depends on the type of honey itself.
Raw honey benefits weight loss
San Diego State University found that replacing sugar with honey can help prevent weight gain and lower blood sugar. Calories contain honey is high compared to sugar, but natural honey does not undergo processing. No more added sugar and can activate hormones that suppress appetite.
Ward Off Infection
Raw honey contains bee pollen that has benefits to ward off infections, alleviate allergies, and boost immunity. A study found in 2013, consuming honey in high doses provides changes in allergy symptoms for more than 8 weeks. Researchers also observed that honey can also alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis which causes itching, watery eyes, and sneezing. How much raw honey should I eat? You can eat raw honey about a tablespoon.
Natural Energy Sources
Raw honey contains about 80% natural sugar, 18% water, and 2% protein, with no added minerals and vitamins. Honey is also an energy intake that easily absorbs. No wonder when you feel weak, eating honey can make you re-energized. University of Memphis Exercise and Sports Nutrition Laboratory show that honey is one of the best carbohydrates. You can make raw honey as a snack before exercise and after-exercise food.
Benefits of raw honey before bed
Believe it or not, raw honey is able to help you overcome sleep disorders. Consuming it can help release the hormone melatonin in the brain by increasing the small spike in insulin levels. This can stimulate tryptophan in the brain, and then converted into serotonin hormone, the final stage converted into melatonin. The function of this hormone melatonin is to regulate sleep.
That’s some of raw honey health benefits that can be used as a reference for you who want to use raw honey for healthy life. Start your healthy life from now on. Healthy body makes your mine health too.
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